On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 12:50:59PM -0400, Larry Hall wrote:
> At 12:15 PM 10/5/2003, Anand Kumria you wrote:
> >[This is an email copy of a Usenet post to "gmane.os.cygwin"]
> >
> >On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 01:09:54 +1000, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> >
> >> On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Mikko Ohtamaa wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> Could Cygwin Setup window size enlarged? It's paint to scroll up'n'down
> >>> and left right with that tiny dialog when selecting individual
> >>> packages. It's not possible to resize the window manually.
> >>>
> >>> -Mikko Ohtamaa
> >>> (not a subscriber)
> >> 
> >> <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2003-10/msg00099.html> might be of
> >> interest.
> >
> >Well how about increasing the default size of the window then?
> >
> >I assume the size is specified, and enforced, somewhere?
> If you're really interested in this subject, I suggest a thorough perusal
> of the cygwin-apps and cygwin mail archives (the former has the most
> pertinent content).  All this has been discussed, in detail, there.  If
> there was a simple solution for this, it would be implemented already.
> However, if you feel differently, feel free to make a change and submit
> the patch for review.

Well I just spent a few minutes searching for the code. I couldn't see
it in CVS, (<URL: 
http://sources.redhat.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/src/winsup/?cvsroot=src>), feel free to 
send me a pointer and I might take a look.

> The current size is the largest possible for low resolution screens.  

800x600 is what most people, including Microsoft, regard as low
resoultion nowadays. Are there such a substanial number of people running
at 640x480 that we ought to cater to them by default? 


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 When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never
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