On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Rolf Campbell wrote:

> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 10:00:53AM -0400, Rolf Campbell wrote:
> >
> >>Open one window (rxvt):
> >>$ sleep 1000
> >>
> >>Open a seperate window (rxvt):
> >>$ ps
> >>     1716       1    1716       1716  con 11643 18:57:52 /usr/bin/rxvt
> >>     1636    1716    1636       1724    0 11643 18:57:52 /usr/bin/bash
> >>     1832       1    1832       1832  con 11643 18:59:13 /usr/bin/rxvt
> >>     2072       1    2072       2072  con 11643 09:35:13 /usr/bin/rxvt
> >>     2320    2072    2320       2260    2 11643 09:35:16 /usr/bin/bash
> >>     2360       1    2360       2360  con 11643 09:50:50 /usr/bin/rxvt
> >>     1844    2360    1844       2404    3 11643 09:50:53 /usr/bin/bash
> >>     2448    2320    2448       2460    2 11643 09:51:07 /usr/bin/sleep
> >>     2284    1844    2284       2452    3 11643 09:51:10 /usr/bin/ps
> >>$ kill -STOP 2448
> >>$
> >>
> >>Look back at first window:
> >>$ sleep 1000
> >>
> >>[1]+  Stopped                 sleep 1000
> >>$
> >>
> >>This has only started happending with recent cygwin versions, I'm
> >>running Oct2 right now.
> > Erm... and what's wrong with this?  It's the same as on Linux.
> Well, if this is design intent, then that's fine.  But, on older
> cygwins, it used to just stop the process (the parent of the stopped
> process (bash) did nothing).  It seems a little awkward to me at least,
> if I stop/start a process, then I end up with both bash & that process
> running at the same time, in the same console.


The last sentence doesn't make sense.  If you're complaining about the
notification, put a "set +b" (or "set +o notify") in your .bashrc.
      |\      _,,,---,,_                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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