On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 04:48:43PM -0400, James D Below wrote:
> HI everyone,
> I'm not sure how I did it but I messed up my user permissions or local 
> policy settings.  Now whenever I run any cygwin app (bash.exe, wc.exe, 
> rxvt.exe) from a w2k terminal session and logged in as a user, I see the 
> following error:
>  **** CreateFileMapping, Win32 error 5.  Terminating.
> I'm running Windows 2000 SP4 and CYGWIN = binmode tty ntsec

This problem has now been explained with James' help and this message
is to close the thread.
It turns out that on some recent Windows systems a special privilege,
"create global objects", is required to run Cygwin 1.5.X from
a terminal session. It can be given to users with the "editrights.exe"


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