Triza UK wrote:

I have same experience with Cygwin 1.5.5
I updated my Cygwin to 1.5.5 and XEmacs became
unusable. Cygwin 1.3.20 works OK. XEmacs I am using is
21.5.5, but this must be a Cygwin bug because I only
ungraded Cygwin. The problem starts when I run a subprocess from
XEmacs. Good example is gnuserv. This is not a gnuserv
related bug because clearcase.el also wrecks XEmacs,
which also runs subprocesses.
Having run a subprocess, XEmacs screen failed to get
characters dissappear.

I use XEmacs 21.4, not 21.5, and do not have the reported problem with fonts. But, I did have a possibly related problem. When I started a subprocess in XEmacs, copy/paste to the Windows clipboard would stop working. The work-arounds described for the fonts problem (starting from rxvt) also worked for my problem, which is why I think they are related.

Anyway, FWIW, the latest changes to in the latest cygwin snapshot fixed my XEmacs problems. You might want to try it.

If they don't solve your problem, I may have time to take a stab at reproducing and debugging your problem with XEmacs 21.5 in a couple of weeks.


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