> It did not work. Will it be that I found a bug??? How much luck I
> have.. :-)
> It follows the source. that program does not do anything of
> important! It is
> alone a test.
> what we most can do?
> I changed the command for "DIR" who list the directories of the
> windows just
> to facilitate the comprehension and so that it to do not are
> necessary to do
> an upload of sound.exe. Try, with that program execute some other
> command!
> Here, already tried of everything, and anything (not) worked.
> *************************************************
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <math.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> main()
> {
> int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j;
> FILE *stream;
> printf("Programa Gerador de Resultados para Teste:");
> printf("\n\nEntre com as Faixas");
> printf("\nNúmero a ser comparado: ");scanf("%d",&c);
> printf("\n....................De: ");scanf("%d",&a);
> printf("\n.....................A: ");scanf("%d",&b);
> d = c;
> f = a;
> g = b;
> j = 1;
> while(g <= c){
>      e = f * g;
>      h = d - e;
>      if((stream = fopen("dtr1.txt", "at")) != NULL){
>                 fprintf(stream,"\n %d * %d = %d -r = %d",f,g,e,h);
>      }
>      fflush(stdout);
>      fclose(stream);
>      if(j >= c){
>           f = a;
>           j = 0;
>           g++;
>           printf("\nF: %d\tG %d:",f,g);
>           fflush(stdout);
>      }
>      f++;
>      j++;
> }
> if((system("dir")) == 0){
>      printf("\n\nComando executado com sucesso");
> }
> else{
>      printf("\n\ncomando falhou");
> }
> }

This program will not work. There is no program called 'dir' in Windows. You
probably want something like 'cmd /c dir'.


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