Hello Ralf,

>> Libutil.a is deprecated and will not be part of future inetutils
>> releases anymore.

> Only for cygwin or for the whole unix/linux world ?

> It seems that some linux based packages (as far as I know kde releated
> package) are using libutil as default, which requires additional patching.
> For this it would help, building a special import library containing the
> libutil relating symbols pointing to the cygwin dll like done with
> libpthread.

Isn't there a confiure check which tests if the symbols in question are
available in the C library and if not whether libutil is available and
if so use this? This is the usual autotool way, e.g for iconv() (IIRC).
Isn't it possible to push these kind of changes upstream (if changes are
needed to configure)?

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