> Msys is not a discussion topic for this mailing list.  If you want to
> comment on Msys then use the appropriate msys mailing list.  When you do
> this, you might ask them why, when you run the msys version of "sh" and
> type "pwd" it reports something like "/usr/bin" or "/c" rather than
> "C:\msys\1.0\bin" or "c:\", however.
> This is your second warning on this subject, btw.


what are your warnings? why are you so insistent on giving them? Do you kick people 
off the list if you don't like what they post?

If this is the case, I'm sorry, but why the need for control? This is supposed to be 
*open forum*. I'm trying to make cygwin easier to use. Its really hard to do this if I
have to watch every single word that I say. If I find something that makes -Mno-cygwin
hard to use, is that not on topic?


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