David schrieb:

> First, a general apology if I seem to be going over stuff I've gone over
> before.  I had a computer outage that cost me most of my memory of the
> last 4 years. 

> Around 25 September, David, Gerrit, and Jason had a discussion on the 
> list about making David's build of GNAT available.  David's server 
> couldn't bear much traffic but there were some offers of other sites.
> Are the binaries available on-line at this time?

I have a mirror where also Davids binaries are asvailable, though it is
realy outdated, I even couldn't use it to bootstrap a newer gcc on top
of Cygwin 1.5.5.  I'm just about finishing a GCC release for Cygwin
including GNAT.

Do you have a reasonable amount of time and Ada code to test run the Ada


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