--- Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you are distributing cygwin outside your organization, the other
> thing you need to include is the source code for your application and
> for the Cygwin DLL, as per the GPL.

Aye, it's a GPLed app. I didn't want to provide a URL to the app's page
unless asked, but if you want I certainly can, if it helps narrow the problem

> Assuming that you know this, you are right in assuming that just
> copying the cygwin DLL should be enough.  You could try just
> copying the 'strace' program to the system in question and running
> the program with that to see if you can gather a clue into what
> is going on.

Hrm, next time I get a chance to sit down in the CS lab and hammer away at it
for a while (I currently only have a Linux box available to me without making
a trip across campus) I'll try strace. As the previous poster suggested, I
had already tried cygcheck, and all it spat back at me was SDL.dll,
cygwin1.dll, and a bunch of standard Windows DLLs. Perhaps there's a compiler
switch that I missed?

> Otherwise the tried and true printf debugging technique is probably
> your best bet.

Aye, I've already considered this, I just ran out of time to work on it today...

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