-----Original Message-----
Of Andy Rushton
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Wildcard problem with recursion

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

>On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 03:05:53PM +0530, Ajith Kumar wrote:
>>Cygwin utilities like grep or ls with -R options doesn't seem to be
>>egs when I say
>>>grep -r FLD_DCT_STRING  *.h??
>>I get
>>grep: *.hpp: No such file or directory
>>However there are many .h, .hxx and .hpp files in the subdirectories
>>ls also gives the same err.
>>Any solutons?
>Yes, read the shell man pages to learn how file completion works.
>What you want is a job for `find | xargs grep'.
Thanks for the xargs tip Corinna - thats a new one on me.

an alternative (talking to original poster here) is:

grep FLD_DCT_STRING `find . -name '*.h??'` ------------------------------ 1

Or you can search *directories* recursively with grep, but this doesn't
allow you to filter the file type. e.g.:

grep -r FLD_DCT_STRING .                   ------------------------------- 2

where '.' is the current directory - this will search all files in
subdirectories too. See 'info grep'.

Andy Rushton, Research Fellow, School of ECS, Southampton University
address: rm 3053, Mountbatten Building (53)
phone: 023 8059 6665


The command 2 works fine. However 1 fails revereting to my original problem.
If I execute the find command alone I get

D:\views\aj_pvt\Tally63>find . -name '*.h??'
File not found - '*.h??'


D:\views\aj_pvt\Tally63>find . -name *.h??
File not found - *.h??

I did n't reply my previous cygwin installation. As u see I  use the Win2k
cmd prompt


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