> Cygwin doesn't control the memory use of non-cygwin programs.

Thank You cgf - that was the bit of information I was missing.

Coming from a Solaris background, it did not even occur
to me that "Windows 2003 enterprise server" would
impose a 2GB usable memory limit by default on an application.

Doesn't seem like a very 'enterprise' sort of thing to do ;-)

Thanks to all that replied.

|         |                                |
|         |             Christopher Faylor |
|         |             <cgf-no-reply-pleas|
|         |             [EMAIL PROTECTED]>      |
|         |                                |
|         |             Sent by:           |
|         |             [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |             .com               |
|         |                                |
|         |                                |
|         |             10/30/2003 09:52 AM|
|         |             Please respond to  |
|         |             cygwin             |
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|         |                                |
  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                  
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:  Re: Does cygwin have a 2GB Memory/RAM limit ?                      

On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 09:03:00AM -0500, Jared Ingersoll wrote:
>I think Java has some internal defaults, try setting the max heap size
>on the command line that calls the app (in MB's).

And, this really is off-topic for this list.  Please take it up in a
java-related list.  This has nothing to do with cygwin, AFAICT.
Cygwin doesn't control the memory use of non-cygwin programs.


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