"Gerrit P. Haase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Alex wrote:
> > An algorithm which computes very long Fibonacci numbers
> >
> > http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=bnni5p%2412i47o%241%40ID-79865.news.uni-berlin.de
> >   was used as a performance testsuite
> >   to compare speed of the code produced by various compilers.
> > |------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> > |               Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler, STLport 4.5.3
> > |------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> > | Version 8.35n        | -   | 0.20 : 0.16 | 0.84 : 0.80 |  3.82 :  3.74 |
> > |========================================================================|
> Do you think to use STLport with the Cygwin/MinGW compiler would
> increase perfomance?

What is the way to test that?
In other words, is there STLporting with the Cygwin/MinGW compiler?

   Alex Vinokur
     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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