I apologize for the trouble this is causing people. I'm looking into this problem now.
I didn't test the install with setup. I just ran my postinstall script by hand to test it. I don't know why installing with setup is having this effect.

For now I suggest that no one installs the lftp-2.6.8 package.

I also ask that this package be removed from the cygwin.com ftp server until I can package a 2.6.8-2 version.

Mark Blackburn

Andrew Waltman wrote:

For me when installing lftp 2.6.8-1 the postinstall script at
/etc/postinstall/lftp.sh gets stuck in an infinite loop on lines 23-27 if
you have and existing /etc/lftp.conf file. The output gets set to the
/var/log/setup.log.full file filling up the disk. I cancelled the install
and found that the file was over a 1.5 GB in size! I removed the file,
reinstalled the package, killed the sh process of the postinstall script
and the rest of the postinstall scripts for the other packages finished
successfully. The setup.log.full showed more of the same output from the
lftp.sh script, but since the sh process was killed did not fill the disk
again. I guess another workaround would be to move the /etc/lftp.conf out
of the way before the running the installer and put it back when it is done
(unless you want the new version).

I don't know if anyone else has run into this, but thought I should send
something out to let people know to be on the lookout.


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