
On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 12:22:08PM +0000, Christian Weinberger wrote:
> After upgrading to Mutt 1.4.1 I was no longer able to access my emails 
> properly.
> As soon as a new mail arrived in the main folder (inbox), I could not even 
> close mutt properly. It always gives me the error "rename file or folder 
> does not exist (error=2)" in the status bar.
> It seems to me that Mutt tries to move the message from the "new" to the 
> "cur" subfolder or so and fails with this operation.
> Downgrading to Mutt 1.4 solved the problem for me.
> I use Mutt together with procmail in Maildir mode. A search for previous 
> postings showed, that there were already similar problems with an older 
> version. The problem was that the filenames of the emails may contain 
> characters like ":" that are allowed on POSIX systems, but not on Windows.
> Is it possible that a cygwin specific patch has not been applied to the 
> most recent 1.4.1 version?

I'm glad to read the the cygwin provided mutt does support Maildir since
I use a home brewed build which does. The patches for this did I find on
the cygwin mailing list.

Unfortunately the mutt version 1.4-1 doesn't find the cygcrypto.dll and
cygssl.dll while there are only cygcrypto-0.9.7.dll and
cygssl-0-9-7.dll. If I rename these dlls mutt dumps and I didn't test
any further. But I would like to use a cygwin-supported mutt with
maildir support to.
Gruss Olaf Föllinger

Olaf Föllinger
S.E.S.A. Software und Systeme AG

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