The attachment you sent has a lot of blank lines in it (at least when I look 
at it on my Linux box) - is that normal? (i.e. one in two lines is blank).

Other than that, I see nothing suspicious in the file..

Could you provide a minimal testcase that reproduces the behaviour?

On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 01:28:38PM +0100, Lars Monecke wrote:
> Hello Ronald,
> here some additional information...
> Ronald Landheer-Cieslak wrote:
> > * the Makefile (especially line 147 seems to be of interest)
> Please refer to attachment. But line 147 seems to the end of the file...
> The Makefile is generated by qmake 1.06c.
> > * a step-by-step description of what you're doing
> here a the command history:
> $ qmake
> $ nmake clean
> $ nmake 
> The implementation files were compiled but the link command (or before) 
Is it always the same command? If so, which?

> failed with fatal error U1054.
.. and the filename of the file it wants to create is empty? odd..

> If i open then a cmd and switch to the directory and type nmake, the lib 
> will be linked.
> I can reproduce this on another machine.
> > * whether it works when invoking nmake from the Windows command shell
> My compilation works fine with a normal command shell.  
> I diffed the generated Makefiles (under bash and cmd) and the only 
> difference is the uppercase of the c: drive-letter.
> Some more enviroments (i can send you see full cygcheck.out by email):
> Windows 2000 Professional Ver 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
> Package              Version
> _update-info-dir     00223-1
> base-files           2.6-1
> cygwin               1.5.5-1
> bash                 2.05b-16
I don't know much about nmake, but the only reason I see for it failing under
Bash and not under cmd would be a difference in environment.. A minimal test
case to reproduce the problem would be nice..


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