Steven Woody wrote:
alreay have ssh-agent + ssh-add, why people need keychain?

keychain is just a script around ssh-agent and ssh-add, you don't get any functionality you can achieve with some little scripting using ssh-agent and ssh-add directly.

If all you ever do with ssh-agent is `eval $(ssh-agent)` and you don't get
orphan agent in ps. Try `ps -e -u $(whoami) -f` do you have more than one
ssh-agent? If so take a look at keychain it will help you to kill all orphan
agent and only start one no matter how many times you log in.

I'm continually opening rxvt windows and closing them, before I used keychain I
easily ended up with 10 agents or more (even if I stopped the agent in the
logout script). I was about to add some ssh-agent logic to my profile but it was
easier (and faster) to make a cygwin package for keychain and change two lines
in my .bash_profile (which I use on cygwin, linux, and *BSD, it should also work on AIX, SunOS, Solaris, HP/UX ...).

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Hack Kampbjørn

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