:O) thankyou kindly

-----Original Message-----
Of Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: newby stupid question - cat mutiple files to new piped
output files

On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 04:55:34AM -0500, c wrote:
> Just started to get somewhere until i wanted to cat a heap of csv files
> then send the unique records to a new file.
> I thought it couldnt be to hard but now my brain hurts.
> Can anyone help me with a line of code that will do the command below
> '$ cat d:/pc1/filename.csv |uniq > d:/pc1/newfilename.csv'
> but i want it do it repeatidly for every .csv file in that directory?
This has nothing to do with Cygwin, but hey..

for i in /cygdrive/d/pc1/*.csv; do
cat $i | uniq > /cygdrive/d/pc1/newfilename.csv

This will work once, because the new files won't be there yet. After that,
*.csv will pick up the new files as well..

Take a look at the "Advanced Bash scripting guide" which you can find at
http://tldp.org for info on how to do this kind of thing correctly..



Dave Mack:      "Your stupidity, Allen, is simply not up to par."
Allen Gwinn:    "Yours is."

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