On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 11:14:12PM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>I don't know what this particular problem is (it sounds pretty bad if
>>-mno-cygwin is this broken) but:
>>File: w32-shared-ptr.c  Status: Up-to-date
>>   Working revision:
>>   Repository revision: 
>>   /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/config/i386/Attic/w32-shared-ptr.c,v
>>   Sticky Tag:          cygming332 (branch:
>>   Sticky Date:         (none)
>>   Sticky Options:      (none)
>>This file *is* in cvs.  It was added by Danny Smith in August, AFAICT.
>Ah -- I didn't look in the Attic. The dangers of WebCVS I guess.
>>Out of curiousity, have you upgraded all of the various gcc-mingw
>>packages now?
>I think I have all of the newest versions...
>binutils                20030901-1
>gcc                     3.3.1-3
>gcc-g++                 3.3.1-3
>gcc-g77                 3.3.1-3
>gcc-mingw               20030911-4
>gcc-mingw-core          20031020-1
>gcc-mingw-g++           20031020-1
>gcc-mingw-g77           20031020-1
>gcc2                    2.95.3-10
>mingw-runtime           3.2-1
>w32api                  2.4-1

Yes, it looks that way.  I saw this info after I asked the question.  Sorry
to make you repeat yourself.

Do you possibly have two versions of the mingw libgcc.a somehow?  I haven't
verified this on my system, since I am knee deep in something else right
now but nm on /lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-mingw32/3.3.1/libgcc.a tells me:

  00000000 b .bss
  00000000 d .data
  00000000 t .text
           U [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           U [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           U [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  00000040 t ___w32_eh_shared_initialize
  00000010 C ___w32_sharedptr
  00000020 t ___w32_sharedptr_default_unexpected
  000002a0 t ___w32_sharedptr_get
  000000c0 T ___w32_sharedptr_initialize
  000001f0 t ___w32_sharedptr_set
  00000010 C ___w32_sharedptr_terminate
  00000010 C ___w32_sharedptr_unexpected
           U _abort
  00000000 b _dw2_object_mutex.0
  00000000 d _dw2_once.1
           U _free
           U _malloc
  00000010 b _sjl_fc_key.2
  00000008 d _sjl_once.3
  00000000 t _w32_atom_suffix

For some reason you have a libgcc.a in your /usr/lib/mingw.  I don't
Maybe that's the problem.


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