On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 06:53:54PM -0600, Axel Naumann wrote:
>I ran into a problem with gcc 3.3.1, cygwin snapshots>=20031123 (at 
>least, probably also earlier versions).

Like 1.5.5, for instance.  This isn't specifically a cygwin snapshot

>This did not happen with earlier versions of cygwin (1.4*); as far as I 
>can remember even gcc 3.3.1 with cygwin 1.4* worked. This is why I 
>believe it's a cygwin problem, not a gcc problem - but I'm really just 

1) There was no cygwin 1.4*.  2) gcc 3.3.1 was released after cygwin 1.5.x.
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