On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, dezai G wrote:

> I have downloaded and intalled the new cygwin  with
> gcc 3.3.1-3
> My freehdl (http://www.freehdl.seul.org/) no longer
> compile with the new cygwin.
> How can i download the previous setup of cygwin to be
> able to compile my freeHdl program

What about reporting the errors instead of asking how to
downgrade Cygwin, what's almost impossible unless you find a
very outdated mirror ?

If the "problem" is with the new GCC, you can always search on
Google for 2.95.3-10, but take in mind it has been removed from
the distribution, meaning you won't get any support for it.

But if the problem is the compiler, make sure it works with
3.3.1 on other OS before thinking Cygwin broke it.

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