On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 08:00:54PM +0100, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
>fetchmail doesn't work with the latest cygwin-1.5.6-1. See below:

Yeah.  Volker, remember how I was praising you earlier because you always
had nicely researched and well-defined error reports?

You've been slipping.

1) cygcheck output is not optional.

2) fetchmail is a highly configurable program.  Unless you are saying that things
just don't work out of the box, there's not much chance that anyone will be able
to help without knowing more details about your configuration.


>fetchmail: starting fetchmail 6.2.5 daemon 
>fetchmail: 213 messages (206 seen) for Dr.Volker.Zell at rgmemeaimap.oraclecorp.com.
>fetchmail: skipping message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1 not flushed
>fetchmail: skipping message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:2 not flushed
>fetchmail: skipping message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:3 not flushed
>                       --- snip--
>fetchmail: skipping message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:203 not flushed
>fetchmail: skipping message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:204 not flushed
>fetchmail: skipping message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:205 not flushed
>fetchmail: skipping message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:206 not flushed
>fetchmail: reading message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:207 of 213 (3253 header octets) 
>fetchmail:  (10881 body octets)     691 [main] sh 940 sig_send: error sending signal 
>-33 to pid 940, pipe handle 0x324, Win32 error 232
>  51772 [main] sh 940 sig_send: error sending signal -33 to pid 940, pipe handle 
> 0x324, Win32 error 232
>fetchmail:  not flushed
>fetchmail: reading message [EMAIL PROTECTED]:208 of 213 (3204 header octets)     125 
>[main] fetchmail 2200 fhandler_base::dup: dup(/dev/null) failed, handle 1C0, Win32 
>error 6

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