I'd found that info v4.2 was not working for me,
    % info info
    "info: dir: No such file or directory"

Playing around with it for a while, it seems that info
works best when INFOPATH is not defined and /usr/info/dir,
rather than /usr/share/info/dir, is the primary index.
Even when an up-to-date /usr/info/dir is present, if an
INFOPATH is defined, I will see something like "Unable to
find node referenced by `gcc' in `(dir)Top'." for some
entries like gcc.

Running 'strings /bin/info.exe | grep usr' reveals a
reference to /usr/info, but not to /usr/share/info, which
may suggest a reason for part of what I've seen.

I don't know where the info.exe source is - doing a setup
package search for info or info.exe does not seem to be
helpful in locating it.  Any hints?

Can someone explain why INFOPATH seems to muck-up the
behavior of info and why /usr/share/info has been chosen
for the default location of the dir file, rather than /usr/info?

Doug Wyatt

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