On Tue, Jan 20, 2004 at 06:26:30PM +0200, Alexander Shopov wrote:
> > In your ~/.bashrc:
> > 
> > alias less='/bin/less -r'
> > alias ls='/bin/ls -F --color=tty --show-control-chars'
> > 
> Thanx, these work and they are included by default in .bashrc, they are 
> just commented out.
> (the ls line does not include the --show-control-chars option, maybe it 
> should be included, who do I have to pester for this?)

The base-files package maintainer reads the list, you shouldn't need to
do anything.

> BTW,it would be good if these were included in the FAQ. I had a problem 
> here with the HOME environment variable that placed the files in a place 
> I would not normally look for them. (Java software just messes up the 
> environment)
> Who do I pester for the FAQ?

Normally, our FAQ maintainer reads the list and you shouldn't need to
pester anyone. However, he'd recently said he's very behind reading the
list and so I updated the FAQ and Users' Guide since this change makes

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