Thanks a lot to all who helped me.

In case one encounters this problem the web-site:

gives an answer.

Creating Various Global Objects May Fail:

Starting with Windows Server 2003, the creation of some global objects,
such as file mapping will fail unless the calling process has the
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege privilege enabled. Note that the privilege check
is limited to the creating of said objects, and does not apply to opening
existing ones. For example, the following code will fail on Windows
Server 2003 unless the process account has this privilege:

0, 0xFFFF,"Global\\MyMapping");

By default this privilege is assigned to all services and administrators.
This privilege also applies when creating symbolic links in the object
manager. The way around this is to either grant the account in question
this privilege, or do not make the object name global. Of course,
the latter may not be possible.

OK now, how to solve this:

Start -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy

Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment

Key: Create Global Objects

Add the group that has limited rights (e.g. Remote Desktor Users)


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