Gerrit P. Haase schrieb:
Hallo Christian,

Hi Gerrit!

I have read the docu and think, that i've installed the distccd-service
in the right way.

When starting the service with "cygrunsrv.exe -S distccd", the log says:
PID 672 : starting service `distccd' failed: execv: 0, No error.

What is in the Windows eventlog?  Is there a special error log?
'Failed: no error' is not a very descriptive error message.

That's all in the Windows eventlog, when the start fails.. :-/

When starting with "/etc/rc.d/init.d/distccd start" it says:
PID 2588 : (dcc_setup_daemon_path) daemon's PATH is /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/cygdrive/c/WINNT/system32:/cygdrive/c/WINNT:/cygdrive/c/WINNT/system32/nls:/cygdrive/c/WINNT/system32/nls/ENGLISH:/cygdrive/c/gnupg:
PID 2588 : (dcc_listen_by_addr) listening on
PID 2588 : (dcc_standalone_server) 1 CPU online on this server.
PID 2588 : (dcc_standalone_server) allowing up to 3 active jobs.
PID 2528 : (dcc_log_daemon_started) preforking daemon started (2.12 i686-pc-cygwin, built Dec 23 2003 22:30:33).

I think, thats fine.

In your previous mail you stated that you thought that it was not
working, so does it work at all now?

I checked it more and found this:
nmap say port 3632 is open.
i can see 4 processes in the windows-taskmanager.
but the processes do nothing.
my other machine(linux) running distccd is working fine for my slow laptop.. ;)

Whats wrong when starting distccd with cygrunsrv?

I cannot read your logfiles, what are the error messages in the log?  In
the Eventlog?  How did you install it to run as service?  I guess that
it was not correct what you did, but I don't know unless you tell us
what and how you did to install it.

I wrote all i can find about distccd in my Windows logfiles. So i installed it: cygrunsrv.exe -I distccd -p /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin/distccd.exe



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