On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 05:09:47PM +0100, Ilya Pobelov wrote:
>After installing cygwin-1.5.6-1 files created with
>tar -c <names> | bzip2 > file.tar.bz2
>were corrupted (bzip2 reports CRC cheking error when trying to unpack).
>With cygwin-1.5.6-1 such command works as expected.

The tar command + pipe that you specify would not produce a compressed
tar archive since tar -c <names> would not produce anything on stdout
for bzip2 to compress.  If that is truly what you are doing then things
are working as expected.  The compressed output from bzip2 would
essentially be garbage.

I tried using something like:

tar cf - *  | bzip2 > file.tar.bz2

and that worked as expected.
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