Sent: 26 January 2004 16:06 From: Ronald Landheer-Cieslak
> Hmm.. another case of weirdness staring me in the face..
> Off the top of my hat (WAG-style) I'd say this looks like a readline
> If you're willing to bare with me on some now-try-this debugging, I might
> able to help you out.. Unfortunately, I do not have a UK keyboard :(
You don't really need one if you have a good memory! (It's not too bad if
you're translating between US and UK but I couldn't do it with FR or DE :-)

> In any case, the first thing needed would be a cygcheck output (attached)
> described in After that, I can either
> you with some "now try this" instructions (involving compiling Bash) or
> you with some specially-compiler Bash versions to see whether they behave 
> correctly.
> First, though, the cygcheck output would be nice, and it would be nice to
> if there are any other programs than Bash that have this problem..?

I hope this isn't read as a 'me too', I'm just confirming that I can
reproduce this.
I might get slapped down as I'm still on 1.5.5 (waiting for 1.5.7 after
reading this list) but in case it's useful...


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Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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