Wed, 28 Jan 2004 02:07:36

Your message  to [EMAIL PROTECTED] has  been forwarded
to the  "list owners" (the  people who manage  the WINNT-L list).  If you
wanted to reach a human being, you used the correct procedure and you can
ignore  the remainder  of this  message.  If you  were trying  to send  a
command for the computer to execute, please read on.

Are you trying  to access the list's  archives on the web  and being told
that you do not have permission to access them? Please CAREFULLY read the
information on the  page you get when  you are denied access.  It is most
likely  that you  have registered  a  password (which  is a  server-wide,
one-time operation) but  have not actually subscribed to  the list (which
is a separate, individual operation for  each list hosted on the server).
Alternately you  may have  signed up  for the list  under one  userid and
gotten your password and tried to access the web archives under another.

If you are new to LISTSERV and  need help with LISTSERV commands, you can
download a copy of the "General User's Manual for LISTSERV" at the URL


Please note that if you wrote  to this address asking for instructions on
how to subscribe, I would appreciate it greatly if you would write to the
administrators of  whatever resource you  used to find out  about WINNT-L
and  tell them  to  provide  proper instructions.  I  find it  completely
irresponsible for sites not to include complete information for something
as simple as this.

Also please note that if you are attempting to subscribe an account (such
as a Microsoft  Exchange public folder, or other  redistribution list) to
WINNT-L which contains the string "WINNT"  in the userid, you will not be
allowed to subscribe. This is to avoid confusion and help prevent mailing
loops. Please use  another userid (such as "NT-LIST")  for such purposes.
Note that  I will  not manually  add such  accounts to  the list.  If you
cannot maintain your  own subscription I am  not going to do  it for you.
(If you ran over 30 lists  with 80K+ combined subscribers you'd feel that
way about it, too :)

As of 11 December 1999  messages containing MIME attachments are rejected
out of hand  and returned to the  sender. The policy of  the WINNT-L list
has  always  been   to  discourage  sending  attachments   to  the  list,
particularly given the recent proliferation of virii sent as attachments,
and the policy  has changed from one of passive  discouragement to one of
active rejection. If you have an  attachment that you feel must be shared
with  other WINNT-L  participants, the  best avenue  for doing  so is  to
simply provide  a link to an  FTP site or other  resource for downloading
it. This saves bandwidth and keeps other subscribers happy.

The  WINNT-L list  is managed  by  a LISTSERV  server. LISTSERV  commands
should    always    be   sent    to    the    "LISTSERV"   address,    ie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Postings to the list should be sent to the
"list"  address, ie,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Note carefully  that
LISTSERV  never tries  to process  messages sent  to the  WINNT-L-request
address;  it simply  forwards them  to  a human  being, and  acknowledges
receipt with the present message.

The "listname-request" convention originated on  the Internet a long time
ago. At  the time, lists were  always managed manually, and  this address
was defined as an alias for the  person(s) in charge of the mailing list.
You would write to the  "listname-request" address to ask for information
about the list, ask  to be added to the list,  make suggestions about the
contents and policy, etc. Because this  address was always a human being,
people  knew and  expected to  be  talking to  a  human being,  not to  a
computer.  Unfortunately, some  recent  list  management packages  screen
incoming  messages  to  the  "listname-request" address  and  attempt  to
determine whether they are requests to  join or leave the list. They look
for words such as "subscribe", "add",  "leave", "off", and so on. If they
decide your message is  a request to join or leave  the list, they update
the list automatically;  otherwise, they forward the message  to the list
owners. Naturally, this means that if  you write to the list owners about
someone else's  unsuccessful attempts to  leave the list, you  stand good
chances of  being automatically removed  from the list, whereas  the list
owners will never receive your message. No one really benefits from this.
There is no  reliable mechanism to contact a human  being for assistance,
and you can never  be sure whether your request will  be interpreted as a
command or as a message to the list owners. This is why LISTSERV uses two
separate addresses, one for the people in  charge of the list and one for
the computer  that runs it.  This way you  always know what  will happen,
especially if you are writing in a language other than English.

In  any case,  if your  message was  a LISTSERV  command, you  should now
resend it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The list owners know that you
have  received this  message  and may  assume that  you  will resend  the
command  on your  own. You  will find  instructions for  the most  common
administrative requests below.

LISTSERV commands  are all sent in  the BODY (not the  subject) of e-mail
messages  to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  NOTE: Do  NOT reply  to this
message with LISTSERV commands; they will  go to the wrong place and will
not   be   executed.  Please   create   a   new  message   addressed   to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to send commands.

To subscribe to the list:          SUBSCRIBE WINNT-L
                                   (may be abbreviated to
                                    SUB WINNT-L)

To leave the list:                 SIGNOFF WINNT-L
                                   (or UNSUB WINNT-L)

To change your address:            (see below)

To set the list to digest mode:    SET WINNT-L DIGEST

To set the list to index mode:     SET WINNT-L INDEX

To set the list to individual
postings mode:                     SET WINNT-L NODIGEST
                                or SET WINNT-L NOINDEX

To turn mail off for a while
(e.g., vacation, business trip):   SET WINNT-L NOMAIL

To turn mail back on:              SET WINNT-L MAIL

To receive copies of your own
posts:                             SET WINNT-L REPRO NOACK

To get only a short acknowledgement
message for your posts (default):  SET WINNT-L ACK NOREPRO

To get a reference card of
LISTSERV commands:                 INFO REFCARD

To get an index of available
list archive files:                INDEX WINNT-L

To order archive files:
   For monthly archives:           GET WINNT-L LOGyymm
   For weekly archives:            GET WINNT-L LOGyymmw
(where yy= year, mm= month, and w= week.  "w" can be A-E.)

NOTE VERY  CAREFULLY that the  mail message containing the  commands MUST
originate  from the  e-mail address  that is  actually subscribed  to the
list.  LISTSERV does  not perform  so-called "fuzzy  matching" to  see if
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is the  same as [EMAIL PROTECTED] Therefore, if  your ISP has
changed your e-mail  address without telling you, you may  not be able to
send commands until  we straighten out the subscription.  If this happens
to  you, please  send  mail  to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and
include any possible alternate addresses  that might be subscribed to the

POP mail users should  make sure that the return address  set in the mail
client  is  correct. This  is  the  number  one  problem most  POP  users

Changing your address
LISTSERV 1.8d introduces a new CHANGE command which can be used to change
your subscribed address  as long as you  have access to both  the old and
new addresses. Simply send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the
<old address> with the following command in the body (not the subject) of
the message:

CHANGE WINNT-L your_new_address

for instance,


LISTSERV  will then  send  a  command confirmation  request  to the  <new
address>. You send  the "OK" to confirm the command  from the new address
and LISTSERV executes the change.

If you  do not have  access to the old  mail account, please  contact the
list owner at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with both your old and
new addresses  and request that a  change be made. The  CHANGE command is
really intended for people who know in  advance that a change is going to
be made  and who  may temporarily  have access  to both  the new  and old
accounts (or  who can at  least send mail  with a From:  address pointing
back to the old account).


Write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and, in the text  of your message
(not the  subject line),  write: "HELP" or  "INFO" (without  the quotes).
HELP will give you a short help  message and INFO a list of the documents
you can order.

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