At 08:09 PM 2/2/2004, Chris Jefferson you wrote:
>I suspect that this is a FAQ, but I haven't found it, so I'll ask it!
>Unlike linux / *BSD / etc distributions, it doesn't seem easy to automate the cygwin 
>install utility. I don't seem able to get a list of installed packages, give a 
>package to install from a given file, examine the package cache , etc.

For automating the Cygwin install, see 


For many of the others, see 'man cygcheck'.

>Now I think I can figure out how to get to these things, but I would personally 
>perfer a nice command-line package utility which I could use to automate things 
>(particularily an interest of mine, downloading binary patches to existing cached 
>downloads to avoid having to redownload).

Nobody is generating binary patches right now and there is no facility
for downloading these.

>This would perhaps require seperating the existing setup into two pieces, a 
>"bootstrap" section which just installed a minimal system involving this setup 
>program, and then running the setup program itself, or perhaps some other method.
>Is this kind of thing not covered in cygwin because it is felt it would needlessly 
>complicate things, or simply because no-one has written the code? :)

Certainly the latter.  I expect some of the former as well.  But don't 
let that stop you from playing. :-)

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
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