The problem lies in that anything that is linked
against the native dll will not work with the cygwin
dll. The problem is simple, the program will use the
first matching dll that it finds in the search path.

It isn't a wincvs (or gaim in my case) problem, there
is nothing that they can really do to prevent it from
happening (apart from some awful hack to not allow
DLLs from paths that contain the word "cygwin" to be
loaded, which wouldn't really fix the problem anyway).

I think that the cygwin tcl people *should* care
because the inverse problem could also apply -
something that wants to use the cygwin TCL dll could
in turn find the native dll because it is first in the

Furthermore, there is an easy solution to the problem
that will make the problem go away (unless i'm missing
something) - rename cygwin's dll to "cygtcl8x.dll"
instead of "tcl8x.dll".

--- Fr餩ric_L._W._Meunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about asking them to not scan any Cygwin mounts
> or ignore
> the Cygwin DLLs ?
> The site is pretty clear:
> * WinCvs compiled for Windows 98, Windows NT/2000
> (Optionally
> you may want to install TCL8.1 or higher in order to
> get the
> macros working, see the TCL home page).
> The TCL link points to ,
> not Cygwin.
> -- 

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