Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
"Charles" == Charles Wilson writes:

    Charles> 2) cygipc header files are now installed in /usr/include/cygipc/sys.
    Charles> IF (and only if) /usr/include/sys/ipc.h and friends do not exist, then
    Charles> a postinstall script creates symlinks to the cygipc versions.  This
    Charles> means if you really want to be sure that you're compiling/linking
    Charles> against cygipc, you need to add -I/usr/include/cygipc to your compile
    Charles> command.

The new location of the headers is not reflected in the filelist of
cygipc-2.03.README. Additionally the man pages are still installed under
/usr/man instead of /usr/share/man.

Thanks, will fix.

After installation of cygipc and reinstallation of cygwin there is one
symbolic link left: /usr/include/sys/ipctrace.h

Right -- I figured this was harmless, because the cygserver IPC implementation does not provide/require the ipctrace header (AFAIK, nobody but me has ever actually used it). The pre-remove script will remove it even if it's the only cygipc symlink left in /usr/include/sys (and will NOT damage the [obviously cygserver-supplied] realfile ipc headers that replaced the original cygipc symlinks)


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