"Alex Vinokur" wrote:
>$ gcc foo.c -o x1.exe
>$ gcc foo.c -o x2.exe
>$ cmp x1.exe x2.exe
>x1.exe x2.exe differ: char 137, line 2
>Why are x1.exe and x2.exe different?

Because the PE header has a field that contains
the creation time. Due to this "feature" the MD5-sums
of executables compiled on two different machines will hardly ever
concide. I have no clue why this feature exists.


Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

Thomas Demmer
Kraft Foods R&D Inc.
Chocolate WW Process Development

Tel.: +49 (0)89 62738-6302
Fax: +49 (0)89 62738-86302

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