"Robert J. Bobrow" <rusty at bbn dot com> wrote:
Cygwin OpenGL folks,
I have been having problems with the latest version of Cygwin on a Dell M60. I have a piece of Java (JOGL) based visualization code that works fine (renders at ~14 frames/second) on other machines, both laptops and desktops. On the M60 with the newest Cygwin the speed drops to 2 frames/second, when I run the code from bash. When I run the identical code from a DOS prompt, the code runs 7 times faster. It is as if under bash, the opengl does not realize that the nVidia card is there, and does everything in software. A further test shows that if I run a command shell (cmd) under bash, and then start up my code, the display runs as fast as it does under the DOS prompt.

Do you have any idea why this is likely to be the case. I would hate to give up using bash for my work.
--Rusty Bobrow
Division Scientist
BBN Technologies

Cygwin's OpenGL package just provides a way for programs compiled with Cygwin's gcc or g++ to call _native_ (Windows version) of OpenGL, GLU, or GLUT. These 3 libraries are not compiled with Cygwin, so it is likely that the slowdown origins in some other part of your code, maybe Java-related.

The only libs of the package compiled with Cygwin are GLUI and GLUIX; are you using these?

If you need further help, please provide the output of cygcheck as an attachment in your next mailing, as specified in <http://cygwin.com/problems.html>http://cygwin.com/problems.<http://cygwin.com/problems.html>html .

André Bleau, Cygwin's OpenGL package maintainer.

Please address all questions and problem reports about Cygwin's OpenGL package to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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