Larry Hall writes:
>Bakken, Luke writes:
>>$ ls -l zcat*
>>lrwxrwxrwx    1 lukeb    Users          19 Sep 21 16:29 zcat.exe ->
>>$ rm zcat.exe
>>$ ln gzip.exe zcat.exe

Thanks, Luke, now I can use zcat from the Windows command line.

>Sure, that's another option but one that eats up disk space if your
>partition isn't formatted for NTFS.  Replacing "ln" with "ln -s" in your
>examples above will get you "Windows shortcuts" which you can use at the
>command prompt directly, so long as you don't mind typing ".lnk" at the
>end of each linked executable.  This assumes you haven't added
>"nowinsymlinks" to your CYGWIN environment variable of course.  This
>approach will save the disk space on non-NTFS partitions.

I really think it's worth a few bytes of disk space (even then only on
non-NTFS partitions) to have zcat work out of the box in the Windows
Command Prompt.

That definitely seems like a much better option to having zcat crash or
having to type "zcat.lnk", right? Should I file an enhancement request?


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