At 03:53 AM 2/14/2004, Flo you wrote:
>> Doesn't look like you're using Cygwin's cvs client...
>No i use cygwin only for the server but for the client station (another
>PC from my network) : i make the client tests from my IDE (Intellij
>IDEA). i copied the CVS.exe (from cygwin i think) and put it on the
>client station in the directory : D:\dev\cvs\. Then i configured IDEA to
>use this CVS.exe to execute my CVS commands.

I believe Igor was trying to make the point that you should try this with
the cvs client that is Cygwin-based.  If you see problems there, then it's
either a Cygwin-specific issue or a local configuration problem.  If you 
don't have problems with the Cygwin cvs client, then you know it's a 
problem with your client or the interaction between the server and the 
client.  Running this kind of test is a worthwhile effort.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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