On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 12:11:45PM -0500, Thomas L Roche wrote:
>Igor Pechtchanski 02/14/2004 10:58:24 AM:
>> Please try to configure your mailer to not quote raw e-mail addresses
>Notes? <LOL/> Sorry, that's the sort of thing I normally strip out in
>emacs. "Hosing emacs considered harmful."
>On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Thomas L Roche wrote:
>>> * I coulda been debugging this at least a week ago if anyone had
>>>   done howto's for debugging cygwin
>> There is such a HOWTO.
>Where? FWIW searching this list for "debug cygwin howto" gets nothing
>useful; googling gets my post
>http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg35156.html
>hmm ... do you mean
>> Here's the (incomplete) howto on cygwin debugging.
>> 1. The first thing you'll need to do is to build cygwin1.dll and
>> your crashed application from sources. To debug them you'll need
>> debug information, which is normally stripped from executables.
>"incomplete," yes; "howto," no ... Were you referring to something
>more complete/howto-like?

Your attempts to convince us that this is incomplete are rather...
incomplete.  Are you complaining because the howto has the audacity
to assume that you will be able to build things yourself?  Or do you
think a debugging howto should go into excruciating detail about how to
build things, too?  It's odd that you are complaining about something
that is unclear to you in an unclear fashion.

If it is the build instructions, then yeah, it's incomplete because it
either 1) expects that like other GNU-style projects you'll be able to
build things with a minimum amount of angst or 2) you'll be clever
enough to find more instructions (on building cygwin at least) in the

FWIW, typing "building cygwin from source" into google picks up a cygwin
thread where someone else was whining about how bad the instructions are
(which will now be typically used as an "Aha!  See I'm not alone!" and
will force me to use all of the same arguments again.  Stay tuned.) but
has a link to the instructions.  So, if it is the whole build mystery
that is tripping you up then it's a mystery why we are still talking
about this since you apparently have some passing familiarity with

To be perfectly frank, your inability to figure anything out here seems
to illustrate that you will not be able to provide any useful debugging
details.  Maybe you should do yourself a favor, standardize on 1.5.5
and just give up.  If building and debugging is beyond your current
skills then it's not likely that you'll be providing any useful feedback
anytime soon.  I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than
bumping your head against debugging instructions that are obviously
intended for someone with more c++/gdb/GNU experience than you possess.
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