At 01:20 PM 2/16/2004 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 12:36:14PM -0500, Thomas L Roche wrote:
>>No, I have discovered considerably more. Consequently my question is,
>>is the path_conv bad?
>What you are debugging is the consequences of cmalloc being NULL.  While
>that may illustrate that cygwin should recover more robustly from such a
>situation, it is not directly related to the problem at hand, namely,
>"Why is cmalloc returning NULL?"

I noticed that a) Thomas' file names are unusually long and 
b) path_conv::set_normalized_path calls cmalloc only for long paths.

Thus I decided to check if the normalized path is correctly freed.
That would explain why cmalloc is returning NULL.
As far as I can see, it isn't freed, at least not all the time. 
When running /bin/ls very_long_path I see 4 allocs and 2 frees.

However I don't find an obvious bug and I don't have the time to pursue
this for the moment.


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