On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> Hmm.  I really don't understand why unless you were unzipping *a lot*
>> of files with long filenames.  There should have been something like
>> 32MB of space to waste before you saw the problem.

Igor Pechtchanski Tue, 17 Feb 2004 22:09:51 -0500 (EST) 
> They were.  1.4G zip archives with tens of thousands of small files, 
> with path lengths > 1k.

That also explains why the problem only appeared well into a run (30-60
min), and why it was unreproducible "in the small" (i.e. a testibly-bad
but sendably-short input). Even our relatively small (~100 MB) base files
unzip'ed OK throughout.

Hoping this helps emacs, too ... can't see how, other than it's also hot
for RAM, but one can hope :-)

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