> It seems cyg_win_ was designed to add POSIX  and unix compatibility
> and functionality to the _Win_ environment with the intent of making
> things _easier_ (Easy is good -- not everyone can be a master of
> every technology). So why not make things easier for perl scripters
> as well by starting with a perl that is unix (works with cpan,
> handles paths with "//", "/") and win (paths handle "\\", ":" and
> "\\\\" and define WinNT) compatible?

I can't bring up the cygwin site right now for some reason, so I'll
go off memory. I do succinctly remember cgf being asked about cygwin
"making things easier" and he very clearly stated THAT WAS NOT THE GOAL.
The goal was to make a POSIX COMPATIBLE layer for Microsoft Windows
Platforms. PERIOD. There is no other goal, focus or mission. At least
*that* is what I took from his statements. This discussion is in the
archives somewhere. I don't think anyone would argue that "making things
easier" is a good thing to strive for - but that in fact is a much *bigger*
and *loftier* goal than the one defined for the cygwin project. Cygwin
is still a *relatively* new animal and there isn't a big enough cross-over
user base wanting hybrid capability to stimulate many developers into
more towards this goal. The fact that libwin32 got ported is proof that
such desire *does* exist and that things are *beginning* to move in this
direction - but one must have patience!!! Furthermore, the changes needed
were introduced into the modules themselves, NOT the cygwin1.dll.
(At least, that's my possibly errant understanding). cgf and crew
have enough challenge right now just getting the *POSIX* thing right.
When that task is someday finished - maybe they too will be inspired to
*up the ante*. And I for one completely understand their lack of desire
for doing it *now*.

Brian Kelly

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