On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 05:23:02PM -0500, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>Just FYI, I build a cygwin dll from current cvs (last
>>winsup/cygwin/ChangeLog entry 2004-02-09 Ralf H.)
>>with debugging enabled and rerun this script. It didn't freeze, I
>>stopped it after 1588 iterations, but it produced one stackdump
>>and wrote some errors from make to stderr: (snip)
>I tried the 20040221 snapshot with the following script
>and the Makefile posted earlier in this thread (and also attached).
>--- t.sh ---
>export C=1
>while make -j ; do C=$(($C+1)) ; done
>echo Failed after $C runs 1>&2
>--- end of t.sh ---
>The script failed with:
>$ ./t.sh > freeze.out
>/bin/sh: line 1: sleep: No such file or directory
>make: *** [12.pp] Error 127
>make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
>Failed after 1499 runs

I ran a variation of the above for three days without fail so I think I
can safely say that I can't reproduce this problem.


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