When I start Jboss server from rxvt, I cannot exit, that is, shutdown the server, using Control-c. If I start the server from the normal cygwin bash prompt, that is, cywin.bat, control-c shuts down the server. Control-c from rxvt in other contexts does seem to work, for example, if I invoke "ping -n 100 localhost" control-c does cause an exit. Cygcheck output attached. Thanks
I would start by trying the latest snapshot. Cygwin 1.5.7 has some problems with signal handling.
If you start JBoss with a script, you could also try changing it from /bin/sh to /bin/bash or vice versa, since I seem to recall the two shells handling signals differently in 1.5.7. That might not be true any longer, though, with the latest ash.
Finally, you can try to explicitly kill the Jboss (Java?) process using something like the following.
--------------------------- #!/bin/bash
enTrapSIGINT () { kill $child_pid; exit; }
trap enTrapSIGINT 2
startJboss & child_pid = $! wait ----------------------------
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