> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Thorsten Kampe

> This is just a tiny problems for me. There was a real problem 
> with zsh where *completion* took a long time (it tried to do 
> DNS lookup - according to my Personal Firewall - and timed 
> out when I wasn't online and no DNS was available)

> But please be aware that there may be different problems. The 
> one I described is with the "correct function" of zsh (and I 
> figured that out just today). Davide Marchignoli's problem 
> seems to be different:
> % aoidfjkl        # immediately: "zsh: command not found: aoidfjklj"
> % /bin/aoidfjklj  # hangs for about ten seconds until "zsh: 
> no such file or directory: /bin/aoidfjklj"

  Say!  Is all this perhaps down to having network (nfs-mounted or windoze
shares) drives in your $PATH setting?  That's a known no-no.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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