At 08:50 AM 3/8/2004, you wrote:

>What version of DirectX is supported ? Or more exactly what version of DirectInput? 
>I need DirectInput 8, but LPDIRECTINPUT8, DirectInput8Create() are not recognized by 
>libdinput.a (it seems like libdinput.a goes for DirectX 7). 
>Is the answer in the FAQ: 
>Why isn't package XXXX available in Cygwin? (Or, why is your package so out of date?) 
>If so, can I link a gcc compiled program from cygwin against the static Win32 libs 
>xxxx.lib ? (the -mno-cygwin flag is for dynamic linking). 
>Is there by any chance a libdinput8.a like in Dev-C++ ? 
>If nothing else works, can I link the MSVC libs as stated in the FAQ in: 
>How do I link against .lib files? <>
>I'm sorry if this question was asked before, it was not in the FAQ. 
>    A. Sava

Yeah, I'd say this entry is a bit out-of-date, though the information isn't
wrong.  You should be able to use the '.lib' files directly.  Just list them
like you would object files.  Feel free to make whatever additions are 
necessary to the DirectX stuff to support your work.  Please consider 
submitting patches for whatever you do.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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