
I'm running cygwin on  a Win95 machine and have a problem that I often get
the windows error box up saying  the program caused an invalid page fault in
cygwin1.dll, its always at the same address and occurs for a range of
programs, when wish closes, when xwin runs ...

It is solved by downgrading to cygwin 1.5.5-1 rather than the latest

It doesn't stop me running things, I just ignore the error boxes and things
seem to run OK, I then click close  program from the error box when I close
the program.

There may be some bright ideas to try so my post is for anyone to send me
fault finding ideas, the fault doesn't bother me particularly but it
probably should be fixed (unless of course it is me being stupid!)! Although
no great programmer I am experienced with windows and linux.


Alistair Bell

WISH84 caused an invalid page fault in
module CYGWIN1.DLL at 014f:6108620d.
EAX=10014217 CS=014f EIP=6108620d EFLGS=00010296
EBX=00000001 SS=0157 ESP=00c6fbe8 EBP=00c6fc0c
ECX=800042f8 DS=0157 ESI=00000014 FS=583f
EDX=bff6136d ES=0157 EDI=00000014 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
89 02 5a c3 50 52 ba fc ff ff ff 64 a1 04 00 00 
Stack dump:
00000001 61054c10 61086211 00000014 bff61371 00c67000 00000000 00000001
004da2a0 00c6fc2c 1006f1b8 00000014 00410000 00c6fc3c 00000001 81687efc 

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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