On Sun, 14 Mar 2004 21:52:24 +0100,  wrote:

>> From: Igor Pechtchanski
>> On Sun, 14 Mar 2004, zzapper wrote:
>> > From
>> >   man cygpath

>> #!/bin/sh
>> # wexp
>> # description : Launch Explorer with correct "Windows" path
>> explorer "$(cygpath -w "${1:-.}")"
>Even simpler:
>$ cygstart /
That's cool (both solutions)

I've done a variant to launch Excel (see below), but I can't get the
same thing to work with MsAccess I KNOW there's something odd about
how MSAccess finds files can anyone help??

# wxls
# description : Launch Excel with correct "Windows" path
XPATH="$(cygpath -w "${1}")";
c:/program\ files/Microsoft\ Office/Office10/EXCEL.EXE $XPATH &

zzapper (vim, cygwin, wiki & zsh)

vim -c ":%s/^/WhfgTNabgureRIvzSUnpxre/|:%s/[R-T]/ /Ig|:normal ggVGg?"

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