On Sun, 28 Mar 2004, Charles Wilson wrote:

> Brian Dessent wrote:
> > Gareth Pearce wrote:
> >
> >>>How dare you imply that cygwin has bugs?
> >>>
> >>>I'm sending this email from cygwin right now and I
> >>
> >>... experienced a bug called 'user error'.
> >>
> >>Why does cygwin have such bugs!
> >
> > Meh.  My B19 version doesn't have any bugs.  Why, the other day it
> > solved fermat's last theorem on its own.
> Oh yes it did.  But B20.1, now, that was PERFECT.  Man, those were the
> days.  'Course, you had to supply your own '1's because cygwin only came
> with '0's, but that was a minor issue.  We carried around extra bags of
> '1's just in case we needed to install cygwin on a coworker's computer,
> but we were damn grateful to do it.  GRATEFUL, I tell you.  You young
> whippersnappers, got no 'preciation for...   for...

You had '0's?  Boy you sure were advanced!  We had to make our own '0's
(and they weren't cheap, neither)!  Never mind about the '1's.  Heck, we
didn't have the luxury of '1's!  We had to make due with '0's most of the
time!  Course, math was easier then: 0 + 0 = ... ummm, no, wait, don't
tell me... ummm... Oh ya! '0.0000000E+00'.  Yes sir, those were the good
ol' days!  Not like today, where people can turn shells into editors :)

> Where's my meds?  Who are you people?  How'd you get in my house?

Better yet, what are *you* doing in *my* house and why are you taking my

        "Cats are just autistic Dogs" -- Dr. Tony Attwood

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