> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Hannu E K Nevalainen
> Sent: 01 April 2004 19:54

>  WRT Outlook (not Express) I've come so far that I can tell 
> it has to be a
> redefinition of the "Message" form. Most likely by adding 
> some VB code in
> the Open (or maybe Read) event.

  Ah, that's interesting.  Now that seems quite possible......

>  I know there is a real good reply-prettifier for Outlook 
> Express (it was
> stated to adher more to "standards" the the original). I saw 
> it eralier this
> week, while looking for Outlook enhancement on the matter. 
> Can't remember
> where it was on the net though... (no other details neither, sorry).

  OE-QuoteFix.  Google will tell you the rest.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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