On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 10:12:56AM -0400, Richard Campbell wrote:
>>For a reference of what is acceptable, you can use The Single Unix
>>Specification v3:
>All System Interfaces from that specification ending in "_r":
>>This reference would be adequate in determining what to include but,
>>if in doubt about something that seems like a useful function, then
>>double checking with linux should be adequate.
>All functions from libc ending in _r:
>List from Buzz of newlib _r functions where we're already exporting the 
>non _r version (remove leading _):
>Intersection of (newlib _r listing where cygwin exports the non-_r
>version) and (the union of the opengroup and libc _r functions) (remove
>leading _):
>(null set)
>Unless I missed something, there was nothing there.

newlib does produce a 'rand_r' function, so Buzz's list is incomplete.


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