> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Christopher Spears
[ ... ]
> > >
> > > #get argument name
> > > set dest = $argv[1]
[ ... ]
> > > following command line:
> > > (date; du ~) | ./ppd.txt ~/disk_storage&
> > >
[ ... ]
> I changed the first line to "!/bin/tcsh -x", and then
> tried to run the script again.  Here are the results:
> set tf = /tmp/ppd.1316
> set dest = /home/Christopher Spears/disk_storage
> set: Syntax error
> So it seems the first two lines work...Right?  What is stderr?
Looks to me like the "set dest" line is choking because you have a space in
your home directory name.  Try using double quotes such as:

set dest = "$argv[1]"

and again anywhere $dest is used.

As an alternative, change your home directory name to not have a space and
modify /etc/passwd accordingly.

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