Haven't got any time to investigate further tonight, and I'm not sure if
this is a real bug or some misunderstanding of mine, but it doesn't appear
to be how the documentation ("info make") suggests things should work.
Here's a cut-down testcase:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/mk-test/test2> ls -lart
total 1
drwxr-xr-x+   4 dk       Domain U        0 Apr 19 18:47 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 dk       Domain U      402 Apr 19 18:49 makefile
drwxr-xr-x+   2 dk       Domain U        0 Apr 19 18:49 .
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/mk-test/test2> cat makefile

$(error: 1 ANYTHING is defined )
$(error: 1 ANYTHING is ***NOT*** defined )

$(error: PLEASE give me an error.  What do I have to do, for god's sake?
Beg? )

$(warning: How about an error, or is even that asking too much of your
mighty in
tellect? )

.PHONY: all force
all: force

        echo Does make not use aristotelian two-valued logic then? > force

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/mk-test/test2>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/mk-test/test2> make
echo Does make not use aristotelian two-valued logic then? > force
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /test/mk-test/test2>

  Now, shouldn't at least one of those error messages be displayed?  Or have
I failed to understand that they don't get parsed because they're not
required to make sense of the targets and dependencies?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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